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As your awards journey gets underway, we have a range of resources available to help you write and submit your entry.

Book a Call

Your Awards Consultant, Milan Nikolic is available to discuss the entry process and answer any questions you may have. Book a call by contacting +44 207 193 2394, or emailing milan.nikolic@awardsinternational.com



This exclusive document from Awards International contains everything you need to know to get your entry off to the best start. Packed with tips on submitting your initiative, detailed category outlines, and a step-by-step guide to the awards journey, Plan2Win is an essential guide. Download it for FREE today.


Scoring of Entries

This document outlines the criteria against which your written entry will be compared to determine your score.

Sample Entry Form

Example Entry Form

This is a form submitted for the 2019 Gulf Real Estate Awards. Redacted to protect the entrant’s identity, it outlines the initiative entered in their category of choice and offers an outline of what a successful written entry requires.


Example Feedback Report

This feedback report was provided to a 2019 Gulf Real Estate Awards finalist and outlines the judge’s thoughts on the entry, and advice offered to improve their initiative.


Case Study

You will learn:

  How Kaizen spread the word about their PropTech Innovation
  What the judges had to say about their entry
  3 best practices to help your business

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