What Can You Gain From Entering the Gulf Real Estate Awards?

Now that there's less than a month until we reach the end of the entry phase for GREA '22, let's review why you shouldn't miss out on this incredible spectacle!


By reaching the finals of our awards, your company gets its place and time to shine. You will find yourself in the arena with many of your competitors, each with an equal shot of victory. Just by being a finalist, you will be alongside the best of the best. Imagine what this could do for your brand image!

This exposure continues long after the awards have finished. We'll give you extensive promotion on social media, plus the option to have a video interview with our Business Writer. In addition, we'll make sure to mention you in our newsletter with more than 10,000 followers.

Of course, this media exposure is even greater if you're a Gold Winner - this will help your organisation establish itself as a true leader in the Gulf real estate industry.

The Fairest Awards

We try hard to make every event as transparent and welcoming as possible. That's why we invite credible, seasoned professionals to be our judges at the Awards Finals. These authority figures guarantee a fair and objective assessment of each submitted entry. In recognition of our achievements, we are proud owners of the coveted Outstanding Trust Mark from the Independent Awards Standards Council.

Transparency is something we take seriously, which is why there are documents such as Scoring of Entries and Example Feedback Report on our website. They show you what the judges are looking for and what they've said about previous finalists. Studying these documents will increase your chances of winning, so download them for FREE and be victorious!

Saying "Thank You" to Your Team

Exhibiting your success for the whole region to see is the perfect way of honouring your team. These awards will shine a light on the Gulf's real estate heroes and celebrate any initiative that takes an organisation to the next level.

Just picture it: you're at a five-star hotel surrounded by the Gulf's most influential real estate professionals. The Chair of Judges takes to the stage, ready to announce the winner - and you hear your company name read out! Your team starts smiling - their efforts have paid off, and they've been recognised by external, authoritative figures. You've done an incredible job and now it's time to celebrate!

If you take advantage of this opportunity, your chances of reaching excellence in the real estate industry will receive a welcome boost. You'll also have a trophy for your clients to see, letting them know you're the best at what you do.

If you're interested in these and many other benefits, enter the Gulf Real Estate Awards '22 and make your company a household name! The entry deadline for GREA '22 is on December 23, so use the time wisely and we'll see you in Dubai next year!


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