5 Benefits of Entering the Gulf Real Estate Awards

How did we go from living lives in caves with a handful of people with no connections to other people to living in modern societies, while communicating globally, instantly? How does an artist become a virtuoso? How did we manage to go from building tents to majestic structures such as the Burj Khalifa?

The answers to these seemingly unrelated questions appear to be different, but there is one component that connects them all: repetition. We try, we fail. We try again and then fail better. We keep on trying until we succeed, until we celebrate.

That's exactly why we organise our awards annually. Ever since 2017 when the Gulf Real Estate Awards were first established, we've been offering recognition for success and quality feedback for entries that, although good, still have areas that could be improved.

However, let's talk details. What do you precisely get from entering the awards?

Showcasing your Promising Initiative

Our Gulf Real Estate Awards have 13 categories, each focused on a certain perspective of the real estate business market. We offer you a chance to highlight your business approach in front of other successful companies where you will compete with them, but also learn. If you're the best in your category, you will get a trophy as proof of your excellence. Imagine how it would look from the potential customers' perspective to see an office filled with trophies from independent, highly-regarded award programmes.

Learn what Brought Others Success

All day long, there will be entrants presenting their initiatives in detail. These presentations will be open to everyone attending the ceremony. This is a great learning opportunity for you. You can compare their approaches with your own and derive valuable insights on what could be improved.

Meeting New Influential Contacts

At our live, in-person awards ceremony, there will be several networking opportunities which will allow you to engage in conversations with your competitors, potential partners, and experts in the property business.

This way, you can acquire new important contacts from the region and exchange business cards, include them in your business plans.

Step-by-step Guide Through the Process

We have an expert award consultant dedicated to guiding you through every single step of the way from applying for the awards to finishing your entry.

But that's not all - you can also download a plan2win document providing guidelines explaining what you should place your focus on. There's also a sample entry from the previous awards so you can compare the technical parts of your entry with the past finalists.

Independent Judges

Every category is assessed by independent business professionals who apply to judge with us. For each category, we also appoint a Chair of Judges, to ensure that all presentations proceed in a timely manner.

Part of the reason entrants keep returning to our awards is our judges' independent and transparent scoring of awards entries. Our credibility owes everything to the quality of our judges. Judges are selected based on their expertise and experience. We are proud of their professionalism, expertise and commitment.

Getting Recognition after the Awards

Our awards ceremony will end, but our appreciation of the quality real estate initiatives lives on afterwards. Every finalist will get a customised logo that can be used to enhance the appearance of your website and social media accounts. We also make sure that finalists are promoted through our social media channels, and offer written and video interviews to the winners of their categories.

If you have any follow-up questions, please feel free to contact our Gulf Real Estate Awards consultant at

You can apply for our awards here and get a discount on the standard price due to our Early Bird Entry Phase.



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